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Your child’s health and safety is of the utmost importance to our team.

Car seats and pushchairs
Car seats and pushchairs can be stored in foyer, in the portico at the front door or at the side of the building. See our administrator or a teacher should you need help with this.

We will only allow parents or persons stated in writing on the enrolment form to collect your child. Please inform a teacher if someone other than yourself is picking up your child. To avoid embarrassment please let the person know that we may ask for photographic identification before allowing your child to leave the centre with them. If you have a legal agreement outlining custody or restraining arrangements, please provide a copy for our records and discuss with the centre Director, Administrator or Team Leader during enrolment.
Please remember during Covid times-only limited people will be allowed into the centre.

Emergency and evacuation
Drills and emergency demonstrations are a part of our regular programme. They are carried out in a relaxed way to give the children the opportunity to become familiar with the planned routine. Evacuation plans are displayed around the centre. In the event of an emergency every effort will be made to contact you or a caregiver to collect your child. We have an emergency cell phone, 022 567 0630. Our emergency kits are located in both the adult bathroom and the back shed. Evacuation points include the adjacent Hillview playground and the St Martins School civil defence post. Should we evacuate the building we will endeavour to place a notice on the front door detailing our position.

Permission for spontaneous walks within 500 metres from the centre is via the enrolment form. This will allow small groups to become familiar with our local community. You will always be informed in advance of other excursions. You will be required to give separate written consent for your child’s participation in each excursion if it involves travel or walk, of more than 500 metres from the Preschool. In some circumstances a small fee may be requested. We usually take only four-year olds on excursions, however there may be special or certain excursions that all age children will be able to participate in. For all excursions risk assessment will be carried out and an adult: child ratio will be established in accordance with this and ECE regulations.

Gates, doors and the car park area
We request that ALL children under 6 hold an adult’s hand when crossing our car park.
We ask that parents use our carpark for a maximum of 10 minutes during drop off and pick-up times. We ask that you give priority to the disabled carpark to families with these needs and/or to those with more than two small children. If you would like a staff member to assist you and your children into the centre please leave your children in your car in the carpark and ring the doorbell on the inside front door and signal to our staff that you need help. One of our staff will come and assist you as soon as they can. Please note that we do need you to be parked in the carpark to utilise this help as our ratios require that teachers remain on site. Please take extra care watching for cars driving in and out. Please do not leave your car parked in the car park and leave the premises. Gates and doors of the preschool must be kept shut at all times.


We are committed to providing a safe environment for children but we recognise accidents still happen. All certified teachers at Fingerprints hold first aid certificates. In the event of an injury to a child, a first aid trained staff member will assess the severity of the injury and give the necessary first aid.

Classification of accidents:

  1. Minor

  2. First Aid treatment required

  3. Medical treatment required

  4. Serious harm injury or serious illness

If the injury is minor (1 and most 2’s), the staff member will complete an Accident report. If the first aider rates the incident a 3 or 4 or believes it is a significant they will consult with the Team Leader or Director or person responsible. In this instance parents will be contacted and if necessary, medical personnel will be called (with any charges incurred to be billed to you). A certified teacher will always be with your child. All accidents that occur at the centre will be recorded in an Accident report. You will be asked to sign a copy of any report for your child and will receive a copy detailing what we understand to have happened and the treatment given.

Medication can only be administered to your child by staff if we receive your written authority. The exception to this is if medication is given by a doctor or ambulance officer in the event of an emergency. Medication will be stored in the refrigerator or in the Kitchen cupboard above the refrigerator. All medicine must be handed directly to a staff member and written authorisation given on the Medication Chart on the kitchen bench. When collecting medication please sign the Medication Chart as a witness to the medication having been administered. If your child requires ongoing medication or creams, we require you to complete an Individual Health Plan on enrolment and updated regularly.

Sickness and communicable diseases
We need your assistance to keep children and staff at our Preschool well. This requires that you make alternative arrangements for your child if they are unwell. Your child should be kept at home if he/she shows any of the following symptoms:

  • High temperature - Children who arrive with or develop a fever must be collected by their parents. Pamol will not be administered for fever.

  • Unidentified rash - The parents of children who arrive with, or develop, spots and rashes will be required to collect them and have the spot or rash diagnosed by a doctor. If the spots or rash are not contagious, and the child is otherwise happy and in good health, then that child may return to the Centre the same day accompanied by a medical certificate.

  • Upset stomach/vomiting or diarrhoea - If a child has vomiting and/or diarrhoea we ask that they stay home for at least 48 hours from the last incident.

  • Heavy cold with deep cough and green discharge from nose - Children with bad coughs, runny thick nasal discharge, sneezing, temperatures etc should be kept at home until chronic symptoms disappear.

  • Short-term communicable disease (as listed on the Infectious Diseases chart). Parents will be notified of the presence of a short-term communicable disease at the Centre on the parent noticeboard and Facebook page.

  • Inflamed throat or eyes

  • Conjunctivitis or Head lice - Must be treated before your child attends preschool. A notice will be put on the parent noticeboard and Facebook page if we have a known case of conjunctivitis or head lice at the centre.

Please speak with the Director or Team Leader if unsure of when it is appropriate for your child to return to the Centre.

Where antibiotics have been prescribed for an infection we prefer the child to be kept away from the Centre for at least 24 hours from the first dose – longer if necessary, discuss with Director or Team Leader should you be uncertain.

In the event of a child becoming ill during Centre hours and/or is unable to participate fully in the centre programme, the child will be cared for away from others, under supervision, until you or emergency contact arrives to collect the child. In cases of emergency, medical advice will be sought immediately. In the event your child needs collection you will be required to sign the Illness register, which includes the reason for collection.

We are required to keep an up-to-date list of the immunisation status of all children. We will take a copy of the Immunisation certificate upon enrolment and again after four year old immunisations. In the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease unimmunised children will be asked to stay away from Fingerprints for the duration of the outbreak.

Positive behaviour guidance
We believe that each child in our care has the right to be respected, loved and cared for. We are committed to provide an environment where children are emotionally, physically and spiritually safe and nurtured. Teachers will seek to maintain a physical environment, free from avoidable frustrations, and a stimulating programme.

Staff will use language and actions that will recognise and affirm desirable behaviour. Guidance towards promoting appropriate behaviour, including choices and/or redirection, will be given and individual child’s needs will be identified and considered.

Clear and consistent boundaries or acceptable behaviour will be established. The children are regularly reminded of the centre rules and reasons for having them. Rules are reinforced to the children and behaviour guided in relation to God’s character.

Privacy re: photos and videos
Visitors/parents and researchers may not take images of children’s faces without the specific permission of the Centre Director and either permission of parents/caregivers/whãnau via the enrolment form or a specific permission slip if requested by the Centre Director. Families and whãnau of children attending the centre can take images at the centre that involve only their own child or children.

We do have sleeping facilities for children that require a sleep during the day. This is in the carpeted room at the front of the building. Fingerprints’ provides individual bed linen and this will be laundered at least once a week. A staff member will settle, sooth and monitor sleeping or resting children. Sleeping and waking times recorded on ‘sleep chart’. This is available for parents to look at on the wall in the sleep room.

Toileting and nappy changing
Our toileting facilities are designed so children can be as independent as possible. Teachers will monitor the area and offer assistance as required. Only permanent staff will assist children with toileting. Our toileting and nappy changing procedures are on the wall in the bathroom. We provide wipes. Any nappy creams are treated as medication and our Medication Policy applies.

We will work with families during the transition from nappies to toileting and provide advice and guidance as required. Parents are required to continue to supply nappies after toilet training begins until notified by Team leader or Administrator.

We trust this booklet has provided you with most of the information you require to enjoy your child’s journey with us. Please do not hesitate to approach Hilary (Director) or Kelly (Team Leader) or Michelle (Administrator) with any additional questions.

By this all will know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another. John 13:35
E iti noa ana, na te aroha. Though the gift be small, it is given with love.

Fingerprints Christian Preschool

Phone (03) 332 2001

130 Wilson's Rd, St Martins, Christchurch 8022

© 2022 Fingerprints.

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