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Parent fees schedule
Please use the following as a guide for the likely cost of attendance. Flexible attendance arrangements, use of 20 Hours ECE and WINZ subsidies ultimately impact on the final charge to parents. Our administrator will calculate the correct fee for your chosen option. You will receive a confirmation letter outlining the fees for your child’s booked hours.

Fingerprints Christian Preschool Confirmed Fees 2024
Children 3-6 yrs:

An hourly rate of $10.00. However, this is above the 6 hours per day, 20 hour per week, ECE scheme.

If a booking is 4 days or more, the hourly rate reduces to $8 per hour for all hours above the ECE funded hours.

  •  Morning session - 8am-12.30 (4.5 hrs)

  •  Morning session - 8.30am-12.30pm (4 hours)

  •  Morning session – 9am-12.30pm (3.5 hours)

  •  Afternoon session - 12.30-3.30pm (3 hours)

  •  All day sessions - 8am-3pm (or 3.30pm) 8.30am-3pm (or 3.30pm) 9am-3pm (or 3.30pm)

  •  If a child is enrolled for a full day of 7 hours, this will be a cost of $10 or $8 (depending on number of days booked)

Children 2 yrs:

  •  $5.00 per hour for the first 30 hrs ($10.00 per hour in excess of the 30 hours per week

Fingerprints’ offers 20 Hours ECE to all 3 to 6 year olds. Session enrolments - attendance during each session is required for the full session and prompt drop-offs and pick-ups are expected. Full Day enrolments - allows some flexibility - a regular attendance pattern is required during booked hours. WINZ subsidies can be used to pay for fees. Please check your eligibility. We ask that all children are enrolled for a minimum of 2 sessions per week.

Childcare subsidy
The childcare subsidy (available from Work and Income — WINZ) is for preschool children aged under 5 years who attend an early childhood programme for 3 or more hours a week. You may be eligible for this subsidy. Please call WINZ on 0800-559 009 to enquire about the childcare subsidy. More information on the childcare subsidy is available on
You are required to ensure the fees charged by Fingerprints are kept two weeks in advance from time of enrolment and to ensure all paperwork required by WINZ is kept up to date.

Hours of operation
The hours of operation are 8.00am – 3.30 pm Monday through Friday. We offer a variant of 2 options for full day enrolment, or different session times (one morning and one afternoon session). We do not offer part of mornings or days as this is too hard to staff for. Please remember that teachers have many duties and we are staffed at different times of day depending on the numbers of children. Therefore, being too early or late bringing or collecting your child can disrupt not only the workload of teachers but also affect our funding. Funding is also affected by your child’s attendance. If you are not sure about your bookings or session times, please ask Hilary, Kelly or Michelle.


Public Holidays and Christmas
Fingerprints is closed on public holidays and for three weeks over the Christmas break, being the week that Christmas day falls on and the following two weeks. No fees are charged during the Christmas break. Parent fees should be paid by automatic payment or internet banking. Fees must be paid fortnightly in advance. A 10% penalty charge will be incurred for late accounts. Late fee - in the event that your child is collected more than 5 minutes after the designated drop off or pick-up time the parent will be charged $5 for every 5 minutes. This amount will be added to the parent account. Fingerprints’ reserves the right to change the Fee policy.

Fingerprints Christian Preschool

Phone (03) 332 2001

130 Wilson's Rd, St Martins, Christchurch 8022

© 2022 Fingerprints.

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