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Absences, statutory holidays, holidays and sickness
Please call us and let us know if your child is going to be away for any reason. We encourage you to take holidays with your children and are able to keep your child’s place open if they are away for up to 3 consecutive full weeks. We ask that you advise us 2 weeks in advance of your holidays. The centre must be informed of absences of more than 3 weeks. Unless authorised by a doctor, or pre-arranged with the centre, these may result in your child’s place being forfeited. All absences, statutory holidays, holidays and sickness days must be paid for if your child is regularly booked to attend that day (excluding our 3-week Christmas break).


Cancellation or change of booking and change of details
If you would like to amend your bookings, add or change days, or times please discuss this with Michelle, our administration person, or Hilary. We will do our best to accommodate your requirements and casual days may be picked up depending on availability.
We require 2 weeks’ notice of your child’s cancellation from Fingerprints in writing please. It is important that you notify us of any changes to your child’s information. Including phone numbers of emergency contact people, workplaces, home addresses etc.

Childcare subsidy
The childcare subsidy (available from Work and Income — WINZ) is for preschool children aged under 5 years who attend an early childhood programme for 3 or more hours a week. You may be eligible for this subsidy. Please call WINZ on 0800-559 009 to enquire about the childcare subsidy. More information on the childcare subsidy is available on
You are required to ensure the fees charged by Fingerprints are kept two weeks in advance from time of enrolment and to ensure all paperwork required by WINZ is kept up to date.

Disclosure of information and complaints
Parents may ask the Centre Director or Team Leader, at any time, to view enrolment, attendance, health and/or other operational documentation relating to their child. For example, accident and illness register, sleep chart. A copy of our complaints policy is displayed in the main entrance foyer, along with other information for parents and whanau.

Hours of operation
The hours of operation are 8.00am – 3.30 pm Monday through Friday. We offer a variant of 2 options for full day enrolment, or different session times (one morning and one afternoon session). We do not offer part of mornings or days as this is too hard to staff for. Please remember that teachers have many duties and we are staffed at different times of day depending on the numbers of children. Therefore, being too early or late bringing or collecting your child can disrupt not only the workload of teachers but also affect our funding. Funding is also affected by your child’s attendance. If you are not sure about your bookings or session times, please ask Hilary, Kelly or Michelle.

Lost property
While we will endeavour to locate the owner of named items, please check the lost property cupboard for any items you have misplaced. Lost property is located in the cupboard under the sign in desk, or do feel free to ask a teacher as they know what has been happening throughout the day.

A copy of the centres policies are in the foyer and are posted for parents and whanau on FB and placed in a prominent position, next to sign in desk or in foyer, as they are reviewed.

Signing in and out
Please sign your child in and out each day on the day sheet, found on the bench near the kitchen. We require you to sign in and out each day to confirm your child’s attendance. In order to satisfy Ministry of Education regulations, we require that your child is dropped off and signed in at the booked time. This applies at the end of your child’s session also. Correct times need to be recorded for Ministry of Education requirements and in the case of emergencies. Please do not let children write or draw on this sheet. For full day enrolments your child must attend 6 hours during the booked time. Please call and let us know if your child will not be attending on a booked day.

Fingerprints Christian Preschool

Phone (03) 332 2001

130 Wilson's Rd, St Martins, Christchurch 8022

© 2022 Fingerprints.

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